comic quest Kick start SLJ

this is my comic quest Kick start it is all About the beach, I worked really hard on it! first I had to pick my characters then I had to think of my story and next I had to remove the backround of some of the images, it took a really long time but finally I got up to the last bit of it the animation I am not gona lie it was actully pretty hard! it is kind of short but I could not think of anything else. the animation came to my mind at the very end. I hope you like it bloggers I got this from slj I am a year 4 And I hope you like my comic strip bye.

maths numicon

this is our project for maths. it has divided by and times and is super cool if you need to know your times tables or division this is what you need bye bloggers. tables or division this is what you need bye bloggers. bye Nico and Jacob H

my conversation of the wild things.

this is my conversation of the the wild thing and max. I really like it I hope you do too. I did speach marks and expmation marks I hope you like it and understand it as much as I do Bye. I have not finished this I will come back and finish it soon bye for now.

my basketball skills

On Friday I did some dribleing with my friend and shot some hoops I was the first to get it. when we did dribleing I and my friend nailed every chalange there was so we ended up pretey borad.this is on another friday but sadly this was the last day and we did have lots of fun and today I played a game called actulay I do not Know but hopfully I will know soon. but the game is lots of fun we played BOYS VS GIRLS! it was super fun but now I willl teel you how to play to teams are on the side and bonce the ball when you meet they do paper siseors rock the winer continoues and the loser gos back to the back of the line. and that is how you. play. bye.