persasive writing

this is my persvasive writing. it is our writing for this week. I did  enjoy this topic a lot, bye.

do you know the beach rules?

this is my…ahh um Reading create task it is a very good one it is about me breaking all the beach rules all though the life guard is very strict.

reading 2023 T4 enjoy

this is my create task one you may wonder why it is in a diffrent font this is because I feel Like a little change for once wait did I say once I ment twice I mean ahhh! anyway I hope you like it bloggers wait oh no did I say bloggers I ment best bloggers ever wait no ahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bye.


This is my maths work. We had to buy some things for our bedrooms.They had to be between $80 and $200. Then we had to make this amount using rods on the interactive whiteboard. Thanks bloggers.