black out poem

this is my black out poem I took someones poem and took all the words I needed too make it and boom! it was done. i hope you like it and whoever wrote the poem I used was really good. bye.

the sea witch.

walt understand spesific  Language features  Structures and grammar of narrative texts. hello guys this week one of the create tasks was to retell the Journal story but we had to watch a few videos and do some reading befroe that. we did I this it also had to have new characters with a villan this is a story of a boy who took a stroll in the woods and found a snake who wanted him for diner and a witch that wanted him in her potion but he defeats them both and along the way he picks up a few things but he does not know what he is about to face this is a retelling of the gruffalo. I hope you enjoy and please post a comment bye bloggers.

my story mapping boxs.

this is my story mapping boxs It is based on a cat story with a tabby cat and a family they want to give it to the SPCA but something changes their minds… stay tuned to find out. 

my conversation of the wild things.

this is my conversation of the the wild thing and max. I really like it I hope you do too. I did speach marks and expmation marks I hope you like it and understand it as much as I do Bye. I have not finished this I will come back and finish it soon bye for now.

My fizzing and foaming

This is my fizzing and foaming slides it has everything you need to know to become a real scientist. It has a hypothesis and even pictures of the Experiment. the expirement was a volcano Experement but don’t put in too much baking soda! I hope you enjoy it. bye bloggers.