my canva black spider monkey show

this is my black spider monkey canva video I hope you like it I really like it. It took me a long time first I made a planing sheet and then I reserched about the black spider monkey and the I made a Dlo this is my DLO! I hope you like it bye.

my black spider monkey slide show

hi guys the task today was to make a slide show about a black spider monkey I have where it lives its food and every thing I hope you enjoy it.this is my black spider monkey canva video I hope you like it I really like it. It took me a long time first I made a planing sheet and then I reserched about the black spider monkey and the I made a Dlo this is my DLO! I hope you like it bye.

my giant panda infomatin report

Hi guys today i am going to show you my giant panda infomatin report. It has lots of facts about pandas what they eat and even their predetors! if you think pandas only eat bamboo then if you go on to this you will learn that they eat lots of bamboo but also eat a lot of other things too. I also turned my report into a brochure. hope you enjoy it.

Pink and White Modern Dessert Menu Trifold Brochure by Nico RELLS

I am selling tikets to my planet.

Hi guys the task today was to make a flip about me selling rocket ship tickets to my new planet. Mine is a really cool planet it has gravity and 70% sun light and best of all it is the hottest planet in the solar system! if you think it is too hot it is but I have made something specal that you will learn about in this video. I hope you like the hottest planet in the solar system! the walt was summarise infomation by identifying key ideas.

my planet

Hi guys, today the task was to make your own planet. My one is called star wars vs guardians of the galaxy planet. It is a nice planet apart from the vsing. The walt was summarise infomation by identifying the key words in a text. but to make my planet I  had to first look at all the planets then add the aspects of my planet and then last make it. It was so fun maybe you should make one too. I hope you enjoy the best planet EVER!!!!!

my planet

for everyone the create task was to make your own planet mine is called Nuoin. it is the coldest planet is the solar system! I hope you like it.