Groove pizza!

this is my music from groove pizza it was really hard I tried my best but I know some people Will be better at this than me but thats okay! I tried really hard and this was what I got so I hope you like. my kind of music is rock. If you have any comments Please Please Please leave them down below I hope you like it bye bloggers.

comic quest Kick start SLJ

this is my comic quest Kick start it is all About the beach, I worked really hard on it! first I had to pick my characters then I had to think of my story and next I had to remove the backround of some of the images, it took a really long time but finally I got up to the last bit of it the animation I am not gona lie it was actully pretty hard! it is kind of short but I could not think of anything else. the animation came to my mind at the very end. I hope you like it bloggers I got this from slj I am a year 4 And I hope you like my comic strip bye.

The four Heros

This is a story about minecraft dungeons it is all about kids going to a house one day playing a video game and then geting sucked into the game itself and having to finish the game to escape I hope you like it. ( for The four heros 2 Type it into my blog and it shall come up ) bye.

my super hero

this is my super hero it is an image that I got on craiyon it is super good but you may have a diffrent opineon if so please leave a comment.          these are his super powers I came up with But the creater of the image may have diffrent ideas.      mind control, wriath flames (from minecraft dungeons) sword slash, illusion,

name monster

this is my name monster It went throgh many diffrent stages Like print writing then curve and then had to close the paper and then writing symetricl now it looks like this. I hope you enjoy bye.